Lofty Dog (403 W. 2nd Street) is hosting the Annual Pawliday Party this Sunday, December 13, 2009 from 1pm-3pm at the Driskill (604 Brazos). The Driskill hotel is the winner of Animal Fair magazine's most "pet friendly hotel," and they don't forget about your special family member during the holidays. This fund raising event for Austin Dog Rescue is presented in conjunction with Lofty Dog.
Activities include a Green Carpet Dog Walk fashion show, photos with Santa, and special goodies for all. Austin Dog Rescue has two dogs on site, ready for adoption and a perfect Christmas gift for someone in your family. For the masters, a cash bar on their famous Sixth Street balcony features Salty Dogs, Pink Poodles, Poinsetters, Greyhounds and other appropriately named cocktails.
Want to be in the fashion show where the winner of Best In Show wins a stay at the Driskill? Other catagories will include Best Couple, Most Festive, Most Keeping Austin Weird. The rules of entry are here.